Collection: Danika Saunders
As a Northwest Coast artist, Danika’s earliest art influence and inspiration came from her love to
always inspect, research and study old art pieces. With the book “Transforming Image” being
her Bible, Danika is always on the hunt to study museum collections from First Nations and
other nations around the world. Some of her influencers include her fourth generation carver
husband who works with Haida artist Robert Davidson. Danika currently works in her home
studio doing hand poke tattoos, creating jewellery, digital art & paintings.
Going back to 2010, Danika spent her free time in her high school’s art room in Bella Coola,
with her art teachers. After receiving her first YVR Art Foundation scholarship in 2015 and the
BC Arts Council scholarship - Danika attended the Earth Line Tattoo residency in 2017, where
she learnt the hand poke and stick touch tattoo art. Danika has also received multiple awards
for her art, including the BC Achievement Award Emerging Artists Award in 2017.
When it comes to her design or sketching style, Danika embraces new technology, where the
majority of her designs start with a sketch on her iPad using the Procreate.
“My goal as an artist is to always make art that is accessible or affordable to my community, so
that they feel represented and supported.”
With this collection, Danika hopes that whoever is looking at it or buying it, can see the focus on
family, land and human connection.
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